- 文件大小:122.6 MB
- 界面语言:中文
- 发布日期:2023-05-24
- 系统平台:Win7/WinXP/Win8/Win10
- 软件标签:阅读软件
PDF24-creator是建立PDF文件的运用文件专用工具。挑选全部你需要打印出文档,PDF24-creator自身安裝一个名叫“pdf24”的复印机,你可以应用一切别的复印机一样,这在Windows复印机。当您应用pdf24打印出一份文件,一个PDF文件将被全自动建立和一名小助手将开启。介绍在这儿,您可以保存或查询您的PDF文档。 Forthermore您可以合拼好几个PDF文件,切分PDF格式,从PDF中获取,拷贝一个或好几个从PDF网页页面到另一个网页页面,如题目和创作者,数据加密PDF和避免没经认证的打印设置文档特性,如Word文档变换, Excel或PDF格式的图象获取和保存,从integreated PDF电脑浏览器宣传单页图象。便于整合的任务管理器文件解决。文档的浏览让你一个迅速的简述。操作方法1、应用查询手机软件开启必须变换的文档。
2、挑选查询手机软件中的打印出作用(你还可以立即应用CTRL P这一键盘快捷键)。
3、在跳出来的打印出页面中挑选PDF24 Creator。
只需将文件打印出到新的PDF复印机,就能建立一个PDF文件。你可以能根据桌面的PDF24标志,将文件转化成PDF、合拼、缩小、切分、或是建立或编写PDF文件。PDF24-creator 主要特点1、如果是保存成pdf文档。
PDF24 Creator还会继续在系统托盘中表明一个标志,在标志的鼠标右键菜单中,你能发觉有截屏作用,因为QQ截屏还不可以立即把截屏保存成pdf格式,因此你可以应用这些手机软件取代。
类似的手机软件有很多:doPDF,PDF-XChange Viewer Pro V2、056、0 翠绿色汉语免注册破解版下载 ,Adobe PDF 复印机 7、0 ,这好多个全是有汉语的,比本手机软件功能强大多了。升级日志Version 8、7、2
PDF Reader: Drop support to open PDFs
PDF files can now be dragged into the PDF Reader to open them. This simplifies opening PDFs in certain situations.
PDF Reader: Word selection by double click
You already know this from other PDF readers: Select a word by double-clicking it. This feature is now also available in PDF24 Reader.
PDF Reader: Language selection improved
In the last versions the language selection in the PDF24 Reader was not as we would like it to be and there were occasional problems with the choice of the correct language file. Here we optimized and solved problems.
PDF Reader: Annotations are now visible
Previous versions did not display annotations in PDF. In this version, the annotations are now displayed.
PDF Reader: Improved image scaling for icons
The image scaling mode for toolbar icons and mouse pointers is now BICUBIC. This results in better image quality on different screens.
PDF Reader: Smaller Info-Bar Close Icon
On some screens the close icon of the info bar was a bit too big, which was due to problems with scaling with different DPI levels. This has been improved. The icon is now the same size on all screens.
PDF Reader: Text selection improved
The text selection algorithm has been improved for a better user experience. More and better heuristics are used to improve the text selection compared to before.
PDF Reader: Nicer cursor images
We did not like some cursor pictures yet and now we have more beautiful pictures in use.
PDF Reader: Zoom scroll behavior improved
The zoom scroll behavior has also been improved. For better usability, the X-axis is now scrolled automatically when zooming. This means that manual readjustment is now less necessary.
Updater: Minor enhancements
We have made minor improvements to the Updater to be more selective in the delivery and selection of updates. This gives us more leeway with the update distribution.
2、挑选查询手机软件中的打印出作用(你还可以立即应用CTRL P这一键盘快捷键)。
3、在跳出来的打印出页面中挑选PDF24 Creator。
只需将文件打印出到新的PDF复印机,就能建立一个PDF文件。你可以能根据桌面的PDF24标志,将文件转化成PDF、合拼、缩小、切分、或是建立或编写PDF文件。PDF24-creator 主要特点1、如果是保存成pdf文档。
PDF24 Creator还会继续在系统托盘中表明一个标志,在标志的鼠标右键菜单中,你能发觉有截屏作用,因为QQ截屏还不可以立即把截屏保存成pdf格式,因此你可以应用这些手机软件取代。
类似的手机软件有很多:doPDF,PDF-XChange Viewer Pro V2、056、0 翠绿色汉语免注册破解版下载 ,Adobe PDF 复印机 7、0 ,这好多个全是有汉语的,比本手机软件功能强大多了。升级日志Version 8、7、2
PDF Reader: Drop support to open PDFs
PDF files can now be dragged into the PDF Reader to open them. This simplifies opening PDFs in certain situations.
PDF Reader: Word selection by double click
You already know this from other PDF readers: Select a word by double-clicking it. This feature is now also available in PDF24 Reader.
PDF Reader: Language selection improved
In the last versions the language selection in the PDF24 Reader was not as we would like it to be and there were occasional problems with the choice of the correct language file. Here we optimized and solved problems.
PDF Reader: Annotations are now visible
Previous versions did not display annotations in PDF. In this version, the annotations are now displayed.
PDF Reader: Improved image scaling for icons
The image scaling mode for toolbar icons and mouse pointers is now BICUBIC. This results in better image quality on different screens.
PDF Reader: Smaller Info-Bar Close Icon
On some screens the close icon of the info bar was a bit too big, which was due to problems with scaling with different DPI levels. This has been improved. The icon is now the same size on all screens.
PDF Reader: Text selection improved
The text selection algorithm has been improved for a better user experience. More and better heuristics are used to improve the text selection compared to before.
PDF Reader: Nicer cursor images
We did not like some cursor pictures yet and now we have more beautiful pictures in use.
PDF Reader: Zoom scroll behavior improved
The zoom scroll behavior has also been improved. For better usability, the X-axis is now scrolled automatically when zooming. This means that manual readjustment is now less necessary.
Updater: Minor enhancements
We have made minor improvements to the Updater to be more selective in the delivery and selection of updates. This gives us more leeway with the update distribution.