- 文件大小:808 KB
- 界面语言:中文
- 发布日期:2022-10-29
- 系统平台:Win7/WinXP/WinMe/Win10
- 软件标签:黑客工具
TCPIP 端口重定向记录.通过在服务器安装运行此程序, PortTunnel可以使因特网上的计算机访问局部网内的计算机建立的HTTP、FTP与SMTP服务,包含IP 安全(与Win2KWinXP 上秘密端口)
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启用: 启用/停止端口映射
输入端口和捆绑地址: 内部网的某一台计算机端口与IP地址
输出端口和输出地址: 代理服务器出口的端口和IP地址或域名
缓冲大小: if you filll porttunnel is slowing down you through put,
try increasing this value. (only likely to be necessary on very high volume connections)
最大连接数目: allows you to define how many connections can be using the mapping at once (connections attempts above this will be blocked).
Force OOB inline: fixes a few issues with some ftp clients (I've only seen it needed with Bullet Proof FTP client)
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********** [ HTTP&FTP options ] **********
代理 http 1、1 连接: 通过这个代理与外部连接
地址ircserver.company.com/6667, 映射到你的127、0.0.1/6667上.
TCPIP 端口重定向记录.通过在服务器安装运行此程序, PortTunnel可以使因特网上的计算机访问局部网内的计算机建立的HTTP、FTP与SMTP服务,包含IP 安全(与Win2KWinXP 上秘密端口)
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启用: 启用/停止端口映射
输入端口和捆绑地址: 内部网的某一台计算机端口与IP地址
输出端口和输出地址: 代理服务器出口的端口和IP地址或域名
缓冲大小: if you filll porttunnel is slowing down you through put,
try increasing this value. (only likely to be necessary on very high volume connections)
最大连接数目: allows you to define how many connections can be using the mapping at once (connections attempts above this will be blocked).
Force OOB inline: fixes a few issues with some ftp clients (I've only seen it needed with Bullet Proof FTP client)
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********** [ HTTP&FTP options ] **********
代理 http 1、1 连接: 通过这个代理与外部连接
地址ircserver.company.com/6667, 映射到你的127、0.0.1/6667上.